
Dalai Lama

My 92 year old grandmother is taking me to see the Dalai Lama at The Univeristy of Miami next month! I'm SO lucky to have her! I swear that she gets cooler and cooler each year! She even loved the tattoo that I got for her :)


You know it's true.

There is NOTHING sexier than having a redhead, a brunette, and a blonde...at the same time.


Pool Party YEAH!

Check out my dorky ass face in the insert for the new Pool Party CD!

Let's Do It Like a Warrior!



Congrats to my lovely Yanette Balantimez on the reality show!


Oh, Pip.

Pip: ...and i'm gonna stab you!!
Rex: With what?
Pip: With my DICK! And BLOOD'S gonna come out of your HEAD! There's nothing you can do about it because I'M A MADMAN!!!



The Bells Will Be Ringing!

dress? check.
5" heels? check.
vintage make up look? check.
vintage hair style? check.

CONGRATS, BREN AND NICK! You guys are my family, and I love you! I watched this blossom! On Saturday, I will be referring to Brendy by her married name! This is so exciting!


Spiritually High Dye

Check out the "PEACE"s that Jamie Levin makes at:

I absolutely LOVE my scarf!

Jamie's given me the opportunity to work on her advertisements!



"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things.
Of shoes, and ships, and sealing-wax,
Of cabbages and kings.
And why the sea is boiling hot,
And whether pigs have wings."



It's official! Thanks for pushing me to do it, girls! My mom really wanted me to do this for myself, and all of you broads have been telling me to do it forever, so i'm following through. I'm just glad to be getting back into the swing of things. Nothing but positivity and happiness are in my future! (I love you, Mom)